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A collection of data gathered of player’s input delay with Parsec and Cloud PCs.

Each page refers to where the Instance is being launched from. So that is where the player connects to.

Important trends I’ve noticed while testing before you start playing.

  1. Further distance you are from the source, the higher input delay you will have. If you have gigabit internet, you’ll reduce your input delay by at least 2Fs compared to non-gigabit internet when doing coast to coast connection.

  2. The less download speed you have and weaker machine you’re running, the more likely you’ll experience frame drops/skips

Big thanks to datHazy for teaching me how to setup AWS and Google Cloud Instances, and Kevin Ha for starting the idea of using Parsec with Cloud PCs!

Finally huge thanks to the various tournament organizers that run online tournaments using this setup while helping me gather feedback/data on this project as well as the Marvel vs. Capcom 3 community!